Extetion works only on one language


I made a tab in the plugin, but it only appears in one language. When I switch LibreOffice to another language, the tab disappears.
What I need to show my tab in any language?

Ask the Author.

And what you send? No mail no info, which author should I ask?

what plugin ?

and more generally : Guidelines for asking - #4 by jimk

My own plugin, that i develop

Show your code?


I found the solution.
I need to add a tag with submenu value with different languages, for example


            <prop oor:name="Title">
                <value xml:lang="ru-RU">Открыть</value>
                <value xml:lang="en-US">Open</value>
                <value xml:lang="en-GB">Open</value>
            <prop oor:name="URL">
            <prop oor:name="Target" oor:type="xs:string">

omit the attribute xml:lang on one <value > to make it the default.