extract a value - now how to total

Hi I have successfully used ( =RIGHT(B3;LEN(B3)-SEARCH(" £";B3;1)) ) to extract my value from a string but how do I total the extracted values

 Total Price £0.45	£0.45
 Total Price £1.10	£1.10
 Total Price £0.45	£0.45
 Total Price £1.00	£1.00
 Total Price £0.58	£0.58
	    Grand Total £0.00

PS How do you thank people for their help

[Edit - Opaque] Formatted table as preformatted text for better readability.

=RIGHT(B3;LEN(B3)-SEARCH(" £";B3;1))

You can’t add text and function RIGHT() (as well as REGEX() does) evaluates to text data type. Therefore you need to extract digits and dot only, turn that text into a value (decimal number) and use a proper currency formatting - please see my modified answer below.

> PS How do you thank people for their help

If an answer works for you click the check mark (:heavy_check_mark:) next to the answer (additionally you may want to write a comment below the answer but don’t add your own answer. Answers are reserved for solution to a problem). That’s how it works here.


modify my answer in previous post to:

  • =VALUE(REGEX(TRIM(A2);"[:digit:]+\.[:digit:]{2}$"))
    (Extracts without £-sign and turns the string to a number)

  • Format the resulting cells using Right click > Format Cells... and use
    Format Code [$£-809]#,##0;-[$£-809]#,##0 (format as UK currency)

  • Use formula =SUM(B2:B5) (see cell B7 in sample file)

See following sample sheet: ExtractPriceFromStringAsValues.ods

PS You may also change @schiavinatto’s formula to:

=VALUE(RIGHT(A2;LEN(A2)-SEARCH(" £";A2;1)-1))

Hope that helps.