FALSE identified

Ok. Tried your suggestion. Results are indiscriminate. What was prevoiusly 0 now is a number or FALSE, and what was previously FALSE now is a number or FALSE.

Then we need to see your file. Not just pictures and descriptions, but the actual file containing your worksheet(s). The link you have given is “local”, pointing to the file as it resides on your own computer. It is accessible to yourself and possibly to other users of your computer. It is not accessible for us.

To upload a copy, use the upload tool (up arrow), icon near the middle of the toolbar above the edit pane when you edit your post.

Remember that this is a public place, so if your file contains confidential information, make sure you mangle that (on a copy of your file; don’t destroy your original work :wink: ), or create a new sample file with identical layout, containing only “harmless” content relevant to your question.

Hi - thanks for your reply and the suggestion of upload.
I first started working on this “concept” in 2018. Time just goes. This file (this spreadsheet) is one of a few (hundred?) previous files.
There is no confidential information in it, i.e. personal info of myself or anyone else. It is the idea that is confidential. The idea is that nature is full of patterns. This spreadsheet relies on patterns. If I told you my Objective you would think I am a mad crackpot (or as someone described what I was publishing before as - “this is all wrong”). “This” used here means - a) me and, b) the spreadsheet work).

  • I have relied on this assessment of me.
    If I sent you or Mike (or any of the others who have helped me on this site recently) the file it would have to be “Unabridged”, i.e. with nothing hidden, locked, password protected. This because I think the whole thing would just fall to pieces otherwise, or I would have block so much information that it would be useless for you.
    I will send you the file directly person to person, with a brief note of the “objective”.
    If I am doing this I want to send it to 3 of you at the same time.
    As an Englishman, expat living in the Republic of Ireland I do not have any concerns regarding your nationality or residence.
    Final thing is - I do not know the code behind the functions I use in Calc, so the whole spreadsheet, my Objective, could just fall to dust because of something I don’t know or understand. I could on…

Hi to any one who has followed this query. The Solution to my query about how it was possible to get the result FALSE in one row and zero (0) in another row using the same formula -turns out to be the simplest thing and as far as I am concerned and most disastrous. I had used Conditional Formatting to highlight some of the rows. I cleared all formatting from the spreadsheet. Immediately the result FALSE disappeared from the row/cell data leaving a zero (0) in all cases. My Thanks to @keme1 @mikekaganski @JohnSUN and and others for their enormous patience in trying to help me. I had no idea that Conditional Formatting could do this, but the more I think about it the more obvious is becomes. 2023-06-18T23:00:00Z

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