Hello! yesterday I finished a big job on a file docx. I have always worked on libreoffice 5.0 I closed it and shortly after I opened it. on my computer nothing happened n the meantime. but now my file does not open anymore and I get this error message: File format error found at SAXParseException: ‘[word / document.xml line 2]: Attribute w: eastAsiaTheme redefined’, Stream ‘word / document.xml’ , line 2, column 270 675 (row, column) .
I also tried to open the xml file. it seems that there are all of my content. But I do not know the code and are not able to remedy. Unfortunately I can’t not even post the file because it is a confidential document. does anyone have any suggestions for me? on a forum (at https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=97063) I found this post: “” they have a the same problem i have. At the end post a someone writes: Was interested, so I investigated a bit more. In the end I removed all 'w:cstheme=“majorBidi” in document.xml and replaced it in the docx. Now you should be able to see everything again.
I also want to do it myself and try to retrieve the file. but I do not know how to do. Can someone help me?