File format error in docx. i can't open file. can someone help me?

Hello! yesterday I finished a big job on a file docx. I have always worked on libreoffice 5.0 I closed it and shortly after I opened it. on my computer nothing happened n the meantime. but now my file does not open anymore and I get this error message: File format error found at SAXParseException: ‘[word / document.xml line 2]: Attribute w: eastAsiaTheme redefined’, Stream ‘word / document.xml’ , line 2, column 270 675 (row, column) .
I also tried to open the xml file. it seems that there are all of my content. But I do not know the code and are not able to remedy. Unfortunately I can’t not even post the file because it is a confidential document. does anyone have any suggestions for me? on a forum (at I found this post: “” they have a the same problem i have. At the end post a someone writes: Was interested, so I investigated a bit more. In the end I removed all 'w:cstheme=“majorBidi” in document.xml and replaced it in the docx. Now you should be able to see everything again.

I also want to do it myself and try to retrieve the file. but I do not know how to do. Can someone help me?

File format error found at SAXParseException: ‘[word / document.xml line 2]: Attribute w: eastAsiaTheme redefined’, Stream ‘word / document.xml’ , line 2, column 270 675 (row, column)

One quick suggestion is to save the document as an ODF, the LibreOffice Default file format, that tends to get rid of most of the errors for me.

Please check, (just as the error message says), Line 2, Column 27675, for an SAXParseException, details of which can be found at this link: SAXParseException.

Search the forum with SAXPARSE and you will find [Tutorial] Fixing .docx files with SAXParse error explaining how to fix it.

If this helps then please tick the answer and/or show you like it with an uptick.

I suspect that as the original post was over a year ago, OP will have long since moved on from the problem.

@Robleyd, And the first thing I do is look at the old questions and answers before asking a new one, so I also often update old questions if there is new or additional info that makes sense. So I think @JohnHa is being helpful to others who might find these answers later. But I agree with you that the original Q might have moved on by now.