I am using Find and Replace to search a document for text set at 12 points, using the Format feature of Find and Replace. It does not find anything, even though I certainly have a paragraph set to 12 point using styles (the paragraph is in a custom style and does not inherit from any other style). Navigator->Properties does show the text in the paragraph to be 12 point. See screenshot. A sample file that replicated the problem is also attached. How do I get Find and Replace to actually find 12 point text?

TestFontSizeFind.odt (23.2 KB)
The document was probably an MS Word .docx file before I began using LO, but for some time it has been saved in LO .odt format, not .docx. If this is the problem, then I am interested in a practical, quick way to fix a 150+ page document so that Find and Replace/Format works correctly with the doc text. If this is not possible, just say so. (I do not need or want details on the difficulties of converting .docx to .odt or being told I should have used LO in the first place.)