Footnotes are messep up after converting odt to docx and comments added in Word

latest problem, never had that before : I am writing a text with footnotes in LibreOffice (version Ubuntu), save it as .docx, send it to friends to comment, revise the text in Word, they send it back. When I open now the file, the footnotes are all messed up, also in a different order each time I open the file, no logic apparent. The way I see it, this only happens when comments are added…

Everything has always gone smoothly so far, no problem

Anyone encountered the same problem? has a solution?

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So, if your observation concerning comments is right:

  • Is this the first time your colleagues added comments?
  • If no: In wich version of LO did it work last?
  • Can you provide a small sample to test for others? (Your file and the modified version by word?)
  • As modern Word can SaveAs .odt it may be a work-around to use this way.
  • File a bugreport at bugzilla.