Force save as MS Office format for all users,

This only works in writer for me on Ubuntu 16/18.04 LO 6.2/3, renaming to j.xcd does not work. Any way I can apply this to Calc also?

I believe you can create a Menu and link rescue macros.

macro example: Sets the default directory.

And disables Save from the toolbar.

sub SalvarDoc
dim document, dispatcher as object
Dim Nome As String
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
	Nome = InputBox("¿Cual es tu nombre?")
	Var1 = Nome
dim args1(1) as new
args1(0).Name = "URL"
args1(0).Value = "file:///C:/Users/GILBERTO/Downloads/Baixados/" & Var1 &".doc"
args1(1).Name = "FilterName"
args1(1).Value = "MS Word 97"
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:SaveAs", "", 0, args1())
end sub

image description

test file

The example has the menu in the file, can be in LibreOffice, for all …

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