Format the page number with letters and digits for different part of the document

Dear all,

I am about to finalize a paper that contains a 30 pages core document + about 40 pages of annexes. I started using the Roman format for numbering the annexes, but reaching 40, it becomes hard to interpet for non-Roman people…

I then though it would by wise to mark the difference putting a letter in front of the Arabic numbering for the Annexes, i.e.: A-1, A-2, etc. This is easy in the footer (“page: A-[page number]”), but it is not reflected in the ToC.

Does someone has an suggestion how to achieve that?

The document is available here:

Thanks in advance,

I would look at giving each annex a chapter number and the use this chapter number in the header/footer. Refer the help page. I initially misunderstood the question. It is effectively a duplicate of the question here.

The only provision (other than manual editing) to add a field to the ToC is via right-click > Edit Index/Table > Entries tab, which only offers a “Chapter no.” button. This will however alter all ToC entries of the same level. When using outline numbering, this chapter number is the outline number (and is set, by default, at the beginning of each ToC entry). I would personally just use lowercase Roman numerals for the Annexes.

Dear Oweng,

Thanks very much for your reply.

I am not sure whether I did not made myself clear or if I did not undertand well your suggestion.

What I would like is the ToC to appears this way:

  1. Introduction…1
    1.1. Executive Summary…1
  2. INGO and FLOSS…4
  3. Conclusions…28
  4. Annexes…A-1
    5.1. SWOT analysis…A-2
    5.9. Annexe 9…A-36


I will update my answer.