Get value of intersection from an array

If I have a 3x2 array for example, how do I retrieve the value of an intersection…

The array I’d like to keep in a different sheet, eg. “Constants” I want to retrieve the number for intersection between “medium” and “clear” , the value would be 2.

The value “2” would be stored in Sheet1 A3

stuff.ods (9.2 KB)

Or =OFFSET(<first cell>;MATCH(..);MATCH()) or =INDEX(<array>;MATCH(..);MATCH())

stuff_formulas.ods (12.0 KB)

A similar example can be seen in this question, Intersection value using named ranges and INDIRECT()

Note that it requires the intersect operator, ! , to be added between the two INDIRECT expressions in the cell giving the error due to a potential import filter bug