I’m looking to get the PDF copy of getting started with LibeOffice 6.4 Are they no longer available? I can’t get the PDF or ODT version off document foundation. I literally had to try libgen and could only find it for 6.0
There is a link to the page of current and previous guides at the bottom of the documentation page. 6.4 getting started is listed there although there might not be much difference as getting started is really an overview.
While you are on the wiki page it might be worth seeing what other information is available in the menu there, there is more than you might guess at first glance.
If you are planning to use Writer, I suggest downloading the writer guide and reading about styles once you are familiar with the program. There it’s a lot of power in styles and they do make life easier.
Just curious as to why you are using LibreOffice 6.4
Cheers, Al
Thanks for the reply.
I’m I’ll try the link you sent. I’m using 6.4 as its the version I received when downloading the writer, calc and impress programs individually. I see the full package is now offering 7.2 by way of the software utility. Ive been using Ubuntu for 2 weeks in total and I was only computer literate at the most basic level before I intalled it (20.04). If you can recommend a newer iteration/or anything else I’m all ears. I understand 7.2 to be a bit buggy still? Also on an older laptop if that is a factor
I am currently using Windows so am not in a position to offer advice on Ubuntu installation.
I use version for my work which is the previous stable version and I will keep it for a while yet. Also, install the full suite, not the individual programs, there is very little difference in size as the components are shared. It’s like buying a car but not buying one wheel, there is very little saving but much more inconvenience. Cheers, Al
Despite my first statement, you might want to look at Broken LibreOffice Installation on Ubuntu 20.04