Google Drive not a type option in Remote Files (add service)

I would like to save my .odb file to my Google Drive so it can be accessed by Base from other computers.
When I select Remote Files, Google Drive is not a ‘type’ option when trying to add a services (I’m doing this from my Linux Chromebook). I installed the gDriveOO0 extension but that didn’t help. Any suggestions/ideas.

Which database do you want to use? Internal HSQLDB? Won’t work there, because it has to be executed on your own system.
If you want to use a database from more than one user the solution will be a server.

If I’ve understood correctly that you’re using LO via the Chromebook Linux container, then as far as I know, you can’t use the GDrive remote file connector on the Chromebook, (irrespective of whether it might otherwise work or not on a normal Linux OS, as it has/had a continuous slew of bugs anyway over time).

One of my employees has a Chromebook with the default Linux container. The only way we have found so far is for the ODB file to be downloaded from Google Drive via the browser each time it needs to be used, work on it within the container, and then re-upload it manually to the Drive via the browser after first saving any changes to the ODB file locally on the Chromebook.

This is helpful. Thank you. Maybe you can help me with another issue. I have LO installed on a Mac and I do have the option of remoting to the Google Drive but when I enter all of the credentials, it returns an error message that the specified file is not valid. Not sure what to put for Share, and I assume username is either the Google drive email address or the email address without the

Some older instructions with screenshots here:

Why not just use the Google Drive client software for Mac? You can specifically tell it which folders to synchronise on your local hard drive, and then accessing it from LO occurs via local hard drive access, which is then automatically synchronised to your GDrive via the Drive sync function.

This is what we use in our office and it works seamlessly, without all of the hassle of trying to get LO to do it.

You can also have multiple Gmail accounts pointing to different principal folders on your Mac hard drive, one for each account.

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