Handling SQL errors from constraints

I see…yes, that’s happening, but in the reverse order (the controller, then the form). I was wrong about it exiting the sub. Really, I had not entered my InStr command correctly, and didn’t realize the sub was completing.

It is just some extra awkward piece of UNO API. When I translate this code into Python, the Python bridge panics at line
s1 = er.Message
because it gets an SQLError Object passed.

If I could trouble someone to look over what I have and theorize why it won’t compile, that would be great!

Sub EnteringWorkorders_InterpretErrors(e)
'	msgBox "Error...Interpreting"
	frm = e.Source
'	msgBox frm.ImplementationName
	IF frm.ImplementationName <> "org.openoffice.comp.svx.FormController" Then Exit Sub
'	msgBox "This is the Controller."
	er = e.Reason
	ern = er.NextException
	s1 = er.Message
	s2 = ern.Message
	If InStr(s2, "Duplicate entry") Then
		MsgBox "That item has already been added to this workorder"
	Else If InStr(s2, "Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails") Then
		MsgBox "That item has already been received for this order.  Therefore, it cannot be removed."
	End If

n = com.sun.star.form.runtime.FormFeature.UndoRecordChanges '=9
End Sub

When I try to compile it, I get

BASIC syntax error.
Unexpected symbol: End Sub.

ElseIf is one word.

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