Help with a formula

Look at the picture. How to do, so where a number in green cell belongs to one of the ranges specified by columns A and B, the corresponding value from the column C is displayed in blue cell. As in provided in three examples.
image description

Sry for my English!

(edit: activated screenshot -AK)

Look at the VLOOKUP. You actually don’t need two columns for limits; a single column already defines your limits (what’s less than next position belongs to previous range).

Thank you :wink:

Hi @kyojin, From what I understand, A is the minimum and B is the maximum, and the range is continuous (1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30 and 31 to 40). Then you can directly use the = VLOOKUP(B17;B$11:D$14;3;1). Note that the last option is 1, if zero is the error. . Formula according to image.

image description

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Thank you, that helped :wink: