When opening a calc file in LO 6.3, following message appears:
“The lock file could not be created for exclusive access by libreoffice, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location or lack of free disk space.”
Using LO 5.4 the file can be opened, edited and saved without any issues.
I suppose this problem is related to some into LO newly implemented security/privacy policy but haven’t found any clue how to solve it yet. (I don’t want to add write permission to everybody for the directory where the file is stored)
- opensuse leap 15.1
- LibreOffice 30(Build:2) (currently installed, but the same problem persists since LO 6 appeared)
- the file is accessed by nfs in LAN
- file permissions are -rw-rw---- 1 root users (file is owned by root to prevent accidental deletion by a user, users attempting the file belong to group “users”)
- permissions of the directory where the file is located: drwxr-x— 8 root users (users are not allowed to write to this dir)
- there is enough free disk space