Hotkeys for other languages' characters

I write texts in Italian which contain often German or French words, and vice versa. I must then oft change the keyboard I’m using (my os. is Windows 11).
Would it be possible to associate a hotkey - or something else - to the peculiar German (öüä), Italian (è,é,ò,à) and French characters?

Thanks for any kind of help.

Is it possible to use Right Alt on your keyboard for diacritics? I use AltGr for diacritics signs on Czech keyboard, but maybe your language doesn’t support it.

Next way is to use macros like this and define a keyboard shortcut for each macro.

Sub longedE
	dim document, dispatcher
	dim args1(0) as new
	args1(0).Value=chr(233) ' or "é"
	dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertText", "", 0, args1())
End Sub

And also it is possible ot use old Slovak extension, you can run it from menu Tools/ Add-Ons/ Insertion special characters. You can Define own characters, but there is only 25 characters for Insert.
jp_vloz_znaky.oxt.RENAMED.ODT (41.7 kB) → Rename ODT to OXT!!!

Check, if creating AutoCorrect-entries may help you. For example replacing :a with ä

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