How can I change the border on every nth row?

Hello, I have an .ods file with >1000 rows, and I would like to add a thicker bottom border to every nth row (I have already created a custom style called Border2). The first row begins at Row=6.

How do I implement this?

Formula is: MOD(ROW(); 6) = 0

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Sorry. Hadn’t noticed your post when I posted myself.

The appropriate means is Conditional Formatting as demonstrated in the attachment.
disask86329highlightRows.ods (53.6 KB)

Please note:

  1. Sheet designs of the every-nth-row-type mostly cause serious problems later. Only use this kind of highlighting to guide the eye - like in listing paper from the stone-age of IT (n=2).
  2. If you need/want to use CF to a great extent for different purposes the exemplified method my be unsuitable.

===Edit about 16:15 UTC===
Sorry I didn’t regard the recent upgrade to 16384 columns per sheet (now default). Any way I had expected an automatic adaption of CF in such sheets to the previous standard (1024) in case of no content in the addfitional range. This was obviously not yet implemented. Therefore I attach a new version of my example which even works in AOO 4.1.7.
disask86329highlightRowsAMJ.ods (49.9 KB)

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