How can I open a Base database?

Every time I try to open a new Base database table, I get this message:

LibreOffice requires a 64-bit Java runtime environment (JRE) to perform this task. Please install a JRE and restart LibreOffice.

I have downloaded and installed a 64-bit JRE. After doing so, I have restarted LibreOffice, and still get the same prompt. I have turned off the computer and restarted it, with the same (lack of) results. I have read the web page in the prompt and followed its instructions to find a 64-bit JRE on my computer, and can’t find it. What am I doing wrong? Could I have somehow downloaded a 32-bit JRE by mistake? What do I need to do to get Base to function properly?

What OS are you using?

Sorry, I should have mentioned that. I’m using Windows 10.

From menu, select Tools->Options. then under Advanced make sure Use a Java runtime environment is checked and once checkd an item in the JRE window is selected:

Select OK. Close all of LO & open your Base file.

Under “Java Options”, “Use a Java runtime environment” is checked, but there are no Java runtime environments listed as already installed.

You need to verify what you installed. LO - 32 or 64 bit & then match with JRE same bitness. In my image (Ubuntu 20) you can see I have used openjdk. This is also an option I use in Win 10.

If JRE is in Program Files it is 64-bit.
If JRE is in Program Files (x86) it is 32-bit.

LO & JRE must match bitwise.

I found it in Program Files (x86), so it’s 32-bit. Where can I find a 64-bit JRE to download? I thought I had done so earlier, but apparently not.

For Oracle JRE you already had the link:
Java Downloads for All Operating Systems
It the one labeled Windows Offline (64 Bit)
See comments here for open jdk:

Open JDK question

Downloaded and installed, and it works! :smiley:

Thank you for all your help! It’s hugely appreciated!