How can I switch the text content of two cells efficiently?

For example in many text editors you can use Alt + Up to move a line of text up and Alt + Down to move it down. (However this seems to already been taken by LibreOffice Calc.)

I would want this to only switch the text, not formatting or else. Pressing the key press / combination or executing the script for “moving the selected cell one down” should turn this:

(the selected cell is marked by *)

| name | rating
| max  | 3
| sam* | 5
| tom  | 2

to this:

| name | rating
| max  | 3
| tom  | 2
| sam* | 5

(but maybe I also should report that… where would I make a feature request?)

As the answer here suggests:

  1. Highlight the cells.
  2. Click-n-drag to new position.
  3. Press ALT on release of mouse click to modify behaviour (from move to switch).

Thanks, but that’s a problem, because ALT is used in Linux to move application windows. Is there a way to change that combination?

Please try this: Press ALT key only when releasing the mouse button, not when moving around.

@Joschua, reserved keyboard shortcuts under GNU/Linux vary according to desktop environment / window manager. Debian 7 + LXDE does not reserve the indicated combination. You did not mention any details in this respect. I have amended my answer for greater clarity. My thanks to you and @Regina for clarifying this.