How do I capitalize (via macro) the first letter of a name on Calc?

Absolutely the same, but with a description and without variables:

Function Proper$(Text$)
'''	Capitalizes the first letter in all words.
'''	Text (required):
'''		The text in which the beginning of words are to be replaced by capital letters.
	On Local Error GoTo Failed
	With CreateUnoService("")
		Proper = .callFunction("PROPER", Array(Text))
	End With
	Exit Function
	Msgbox "#" & Err & ": " & Error, MB_ICONSTOP, "macro:Proper()"
End Function

Sub TestProper()
	Print Proper("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
	Print Proper("")
End Sub

edit by @Karolus backtics around Codeblock

Edit: Create a ‘CalcFunctions’ module and call the appropriate function, e.g. CalcFunctions.Proper().


@jiml, tell me how you format a block of code (narrow font & color; I use ‘pre’ tag)?

Yeah, with all the bells and whistles!

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above the Code-block start the line with three backtics ```basic
below only three backtics

@karolus: Thanks