How do I get the menu bar back, LO writer, Linux

The menu bar at the top of the window is no longer there. I don’t know what I did to lose it. The two button bars are still there, but not the File, Edit, etc. How can I recover it? Thanks.

I assumed that there must be a toggle that I hit by mistake. Thus the lack of detail on my part. It is clear (from [here]) Missing menu bar when LO launched from root – the opposite of my problem, since for me it is the regular usuer who lacks the LO menu) that it is an issue with the window manager & LO.
I’m running OpenSuse 15.1. The missing menu occurs with KDE (Plasma, 5.55.0) and the current version of Gnome (3.26.1). LO is fine with ICEWin. Likewise if I run soffice from root, the menu is there, and it is clearly using a different window manager (icons, colors are different from what a regular user gets). I would be happy to have what root has for regular user, though I admit I do not know how to find out which each is using.
If I have failed to provide some needed piece of information, please ask.

I don’t know how OpenSuse packages are organised. In Fedora, I queried the installed packages for libreoffice-*. I then found a discrpancy between my window manager and the installed LO support.

I think ICEWin only needs libreoffice-x11, GNOME is fine with libreoffice-gtk3. The latter one caused incompatibility with KDE which I resolved uninstalling libreoffice-gtk3 and installing libreoffice-kde5. Not knowing exactly what is kf5 vs. kde5, I also installed libreoffice-kf5… After that, I recovered my menu bar.

You can tell which package is active with Help>About Libre Office. It is the VCL: parameter.

Thanks. libreoffice-gtk3 is installed. libreoffice-kde5 and -kf5 are not, nor are they available in the repositories.Since I lack the menu, I cannot access help (unless there is some workaround from the button bars which I have not found). Running it as root gives this:
Build ID: 30(Build:2)
CPU threads: 6; OS: Linux 4.12; UI render: default; VCL: kde5;
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-US
Calc: threaded

Any other ideas? Thanks again for the help.

I also tried deleting libreoffice-gtk3 in case it was conflicting with something in the kde. That had no effect on either the user or the root instance of LO. (Root still works; user still lacks the menu bar).

You didn’t describe thoroughly the symptoms nor your configuration (there are so many Linux distributions!), so I cleanly wiped my crystall ball and tried to see your computer through it.

Have a look to my answer here and check your context with your package manager.

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