How do you re-start page numbering?

Repost as an answer and I’ll delete this wiki. Regards.

Still can’t do what I want to, which is to restart page numbering after title page and contents page. Have you actually tried to do this yourself, Mike? I don’t want a new page before I restart numbering. Sorry to see that this is a forum for people who know it all and don’t know how to share, or people like me asking questions that get hostile reactions. My recommendation to my client is to avoid this product. Not worth the aggravation. Pity. I would like to have said go for it.

@PeterStrempel: your reaction makes me think of the horseman who buys a car and wants to drive it by sitting on the roof just as he rode his horse.

If you still are open to a try do you want me to attach a sample document?

Hey @PeterStrempel, I had the very same question. I am disappointed that you did not get a better answer. You asked about this several years ago, but hopefully you check back here from time to time. I have attached a sample document that uses the parameters you requested.

So after looking through this discussion, I played around in LibreOffice Writer, and found out that yes, there is a way to restart page numbering WITHOUT affecting the preceding pages. And it is actually quite simple. But it does require you to use at least two Page Styles.

(Btw, Page Styles in LibreOffice Writer are similar to “Sections” and “Section Breaks” in MS Word. For now let’s assume that you already have at least two Page Styles in your document, one for the Title Page and Table of Contents; and one for the actual Document Contents.)

We want to use Roman numbering (i, ii, iii) for the Title Page and Table of Contents. But in the actual Document Contents, we want to use Arabic numbering (1, 2, 3). And we want to restart the numbering at 1.

To do this, go to the first page of the actual Document Contents, where you want the Arabic numbering to begin. Place your cursor just in front of the very first character on the first line (regardless of whether or not it is a section heading). Then press on the backspace key (NOT the backspace-delete) to move the cursor to the very last position of the previous Page Style.

On the main LibreOffice Writer menu (at the top of the page), click on Insert/More Breaks/Manual Break… This will bring up the Insert Break dialogue box. Under “Type”, select “Page Break”. Under “Style”, select the Page Style used for the following section where you want the Arabic numbering to begin. Select the “Change page number” selection, and adjust the number to “1”. Press “OK”.

Now you need to enter the page number (using Arabic numbers) into the footer. To do this, go to the bottom of the page and click in the footer area.

(If you cannot click in the footer area, it means that the footer is turned off. To turn it on, go to the main LibreOffice Writer menu, click on Format/Page Style… This will bring up the Page Style menu. Click on the Footer tab, and select “Footer on”. Click “OK” to close the menu.)

Once the cursor is in the footer area, on the main LibreOffice Writer menu, click on Insert\Field\More Fields… Next, click on the Document tab. Under Type, select “Page number (unstyled)”. Under “Select” choose “Page number”. Under “Format” choose "Roman (i ii iii). Click on “Insert”. This will insert Roman numbering for the pages that use this Page Style.

I hope this is helpful Peter.


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@Baboq If the page style already defined the “look” of page numbering (Roman, alphabetical or else), just Insert>Field>Page Number is enough because the page style already advertised the kind of numbering. The “specialised” page number insertion is really necessary only when you didn’t define the type of numbering in the page style.

@PeterStrempel: Hi again Peter, I’m new to this and thought I could just upload the document for you to access. Turns out I can’t, but here is the link to the document in case it would be helpful.

Have a great day!

@ ajlittoz Thanks :+1:

What is your document supposed to show? It is archetypal of “mechanical typewriter usage”: absolutely no style, vertical spacing with empty paragraphs (which results in page boundary desynchronisation as I have not the same font).
And anyway there are no page numbers, hence no restart. It could have been as well a .txt file.