Win10 LO6.4.7.2 HSQL2.51
Hi all,
I would like a user to choose whether to be prompted for a login prompt or not. One can do this manually via the setup script which comes with the database split wizard(s)
by simply uncommenting line 76
Thinking of a checkbox in an options form to toggle the login requirement and guess the easiest way would be to swap between 2 setup scripts.
Now I found this brief code sometime somewhere and it seems to fit the purpose, however I think the last 2 lines prior to the end sub need to be adjusted to base
sub ForceMacro
dim Prop(1) as new
Prop(0).name = "EventType"
Prop(0).value = "Script"
Prop(1).name = "Script"
Prop(1).value = ""
thiscomponent.sheets.getByName("Sheet2").Events.replaceByName("OnDoubleClick", Prop())
end sub
The original setup macro is attached to the Customize, On Open Doc event
The database window however does not seem to have a name but can be manipulated via
Const acDatabaseWindow = 102
Anyone come across a similar example ? Any pointers to what needs to be changed above will be greatly appreciated.