I have successfully configure LibreOffice Base in a Multi User Scenario and all works well, except for protection or warning that two user could edit the same record and overwrite each other changes.
This is my setup:
Database: MySQL Community Edition
LibreOffice Base: v5.01
Connection: JDBC (32 bit JRE)
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit
Two PCs:
- First PC runs server and LibreOffice Base to create one user access
- Second PC runs LibreOffice Base to create second user access
Test Scenario
- First PC: Open Base, Open Form, Go to first record of first table, enter data into field but do not commit
- Second PC: Open Base, Open Form, Go to first record of first table, enter data into field but do not commit
- No warning give. In other databases I used a warning was given as soon as I try to edit the same record that somebody else is editing at the same time
- Random saving on both clients. No warning is every given. Save is executed. A refresh on the other client shows the saved record of the alternate client.
How to I solve the problem / change configuration so it is not possible for two clients to edit the same record without any warning?
Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance,