How to change my color for track changes

I mostly use the track changes function to track changes that I make. Right now, the color that shows up for my changes is a light yellow that is very difficult to read. How can I change the color of my changes? I’ve looked around in the options, but I can’t find anything. I only want to change the color of my changes, not the color of all the changes.


Did you look in Options-> Libreoffice Writer → Changes?

There you can select any color from the drop down list.

I did. However, that will change the color for all of the changes from every author. I want a way that I can just change my color.

Go to Tools → Options → LibreOffice → User Data

Enter you name under the First/Last name/Initials.

Libre office will now choose a random color for your changes (your author color). All changes that you make from your device will be recorded. In order for changes by different authors to appear as a different color, the other writers will have to use a different device with their information entered under User Data as well (if there are more than 2 authors) the default color for no author is like a yellow.

I can see no UI element in LibreOffice, with that information provided.
And I’m suffering the same problem: the yellow text is hard on the eyes.

Nor is anything like “change text” or “Author changes” listed in the Tools>Options>LibreOffice>Application Colors

So it seems to me like this feature has been lost.

There’s a request for enhancement:
Bug 65231 - EDITING: Enable to change the color for record changes without loosing the differentiation between authors.

Status: NEW

See also:
How to change the color for record changes without loosing the differentiation between two authors