I’ve just lost about 5 hours of hard work because my computer crashed and libreoffice did not saved autorecovery and did not ask to recover all the documents that were opened when the computer crashed.
I had set sabe autorecovery every 1 minute. But this does not work at all.
To make a test I opened a document, changed and did not save it.
Then I xkill libreoffice and then opened the document again. Nothing happends. No ask for recovery. Never.
There is something wrong because It should ask if you left your document open when Libreoffice went down.
Sorry to say that, but I regret the day I changed from openoffice to libreoffice. This problem is very important. No one can survive with a office that does not save by itself the documents.
I use ubuntu 10.04 and LibreOffice
I need to find a way to make the autorecovery works. It seems like it is disabled in my system. I have another computer and it is working ok. After a xkill it tries to recover the previous opened documents.
Please, help me with this.
The auto recovery is set. But it does not work. Please dont respond saying to click at the checkbox at the menu. This is done. And this is very simple to do.
My problem is deep. This is not working. I need to find a way to work