How to find cross references in text document

Hi, I’m using cross referencefor end notes because I want to quote certain sources multiple times within a document.
But where does Libreoffice list all cross references I put into the document?

You can use the AltSearch extension to find reference markers, among many other options not available on the regular search&replace tool.

{Extended → Cross ref. marker (text)} to search for text, marked as referable.
{Extended → Cross-reference (text)} to search for text, that is reference to referable text.

Open InsertCross-reference... and select Cross-references tab if not already done. In Type box, click on a category of reference and they will appear in the box Selection. Box Insert reference to allows to choose which attribute of the reference to insert.

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EDIT 2017-12-27 (for @zwastik)

To the best of my knowledge, there is no explicit list of cross-references. However, you can navigate quickly from cross-ref to cross-ref with the following procedure:

  • put your cursor in a known index entry (they can be easily located when View>Field shadings is enabled)
  • open Edit>Index Entry
  • the bottom buttons with bold arrows switch to the previous/next index entry

You end up with a sequential process. Sorry, I didn’t find a way to jump directly to a specific index entry.

The same trick can be used to navigate from note anchor to the next:

  • select (don’t click or you’ll be warped to the note itself) a note anchor in the text
  • open Edit>Footnote/Endnote
  • use the bold arrow buttons to jump to the previous/next note anchor


  • Display the navigator side panel.

  • Click on the Navigation icon in its toolbar and select the Index entry icon from the drop-down menu.

Now the two small icons with up- and down-pointing triangles to the right of the Navigation icon will move the cursor to the previous/next index entry when clicked.

Thanks for your help.
That I have already done. The question I have: If I insert cross references, how do I FIND them afterwards in the text? In the Navigator I couldn’t finde a LIST of ALL CROSS REFERENCES…

I have the same question, how to find all cross references (eg bibliografic cross reference and footers) in the document.

Thanks this was helpful