I’m a recent “convert” from MS Word (30+ years) where it was easy to Find and Replace paragraph tabs (first line of a paragraph) and Replace them with a First Line Indent. I’m also fairly old school and really have no idea what regex codes are. I can easily find out, but this was really confusing at the outset.
Anyway … I’m trying to replace “space” “tab” with “first line indent”. I went to Ctrl H, typed a space (with the spacebar), and selected “tab stops” from attributes in the Find field, and then selected my first line indent measurement in the Replace field. Then hit Find. Nothing happened.
I searched for an answer to my question online and learned about regex and tried searching for \b (blank space) and “Tab stops” but I get a “search key not found” response even though “Regular Expressions” is enabled. In a previous attempt, I was successfully able to find and replace spaces, by simply hitting the space bar without using regex.
Having to replace tabs with first line indents is a common issue with the manuscripts I edit and I must be able to easily replace these.