How to make Autosave working

I’m using LibreOffice on a Win 10 and have a problem that my Writer document are not Autosaved while working. Of course, I set in Tools > Options > Load/Save > General > Save Autorecovery information every: 5 minutes. Today I even reinstalled LibreOffice again, but still no luck.

Can anybody please help with this?
Many thanks!

There may be a misunderstanding about this function. It saves AutoRecovery information which will be used when LO restarts after a crash.

If your intention is to save “usable” copies of your document, this must be done manually. For a single occurrence, you can tick Always create backup copy to change the name of the currently saved document to ….bak while you save (as ….odt). You’ll have the previous version.

If you want to keep several versions, you must do it manually as this requires to change name (either with Save As or Save a Copy which allows you to keep a constant name for your working copy).


If you are willing to use macros, there is an automated process for this (have not tested recently).
See [LibO 5.1.5 on debian 8.5] writer close without asking to save, in need of an AUTOMATIC Incremental saving function
and Suggeston for Location of Backup Files
Also might check LO extensions →

Basically, you should always save your work every few minutes (back in the 80s, saving every 20 minutes to avoid data loss as a result of power cuts or computer crashes was recommended), and for some reason nobody ever thought of making a command to save the open document every few minutes, using the same name. Maybe it was never done to force people to stay ‘awake’.

Wow! I am amazed by the speed and the number of replies!
Thank you so much, guys :pray:

Right @ajlittoz Now I see I misunderstood the function, thinking that Autorecovery is Autosave :frowning:
But still, is Autosave something so advanced that it was not implemented as a regular feature of the program!? When working, for me (and for many others, I guess) is really a problem to remember to save the work so often. Unfortunately yesterday there was a sudden power outage at my place and two hours of work was lost. :frowning:

Big thank you for the macro and extension pointers. I’ll definitely install one of them to save my life :slight_smile:
If I would have a problem with installation, I’ll take a liberty to ask you for help.

Being a Buddhist, I AM trying to stay “awake” as much as possible, but still, at the end we are all flawed humans and disasters happen from time to time :upside_down_face:

Understand the first two links were designed to be Timestamped copies, allowing multiple copies over time to allow accessing different points in the process. Saving at time of document closing was still needed.
Also testing in past was with Windows (see you have Win 10) & Linux. Not seen with Mac.

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That’s why you have to make it a habit to save regularly.

Huh! I searched LO extensions first by “autosave”, but no hits.
Than I downloaded document from your link:
Timed Automated Backup of Office Documents, Version 1.3, 28th August 2016

There are three macros inside. But what I’m supposed to do with that code.
Sorry, this is little bit too technical for me.

Unter subtitle Usage, there is this sentence:

Copy the three modules from the Standard Library of this document or from the module code sections of the text of this document.

Could you please explain it to a non-technical LO user.

Unfortunately this is only the first step. It does require some minor changes to the code to fit each users need.
Possible help may be in the LO documentation Documentation/Publications - The Document Foundation Wiki
See Chapter 14.

Possible help may be in the LO documentation Documentation/Publications - The Document Foundation Wiki

I see. Thank you, anyway for the effort.

I think you are looking for this: