How to pass args when calling script

I am intercepting a menu. I want to call a python script when the menu item is clicked.
The intercepted menu is for a Calc Cell.
I want to pass the cell to the script function.
It seems intercepted menus do not have an event that can be subscribed to.
This means I an only take action after the script is called.

Is it possible to pass an arg to the script that is being called?
Menu Command something like:$do_someting?language=Python&location=user&cell=A1

and in script get the value

def do_someting(*args):
    # would be nice to get access to cell here...

Except there are no args are present.

See Also Intercepting a Context Menu

If we strictly regard the tag common, and the explanation that the script shall be called by activation of a menu item, the support is poor.
If only the script is “multi-document”, but the arguments may be hard-coded per document, the obvious way is to define a custom property with the script designator as the name, and the “query-string” with its equations as its value.
Since no information about the calling action is directly passed to the called routine, its action can then only be made depending on something like the current selection, or something like a non-printing TextFrame.
(I’m, all but an expert concerning listeners, but a specialist may know how to get this way the needed info about the calling action. Additional info? ???)

I found a solution. My solution is to use a Dispatch Interceptor. It will allow for args to be passed in the command url.

See my example Intercept Context Menu

should be the other way round: the script find the selected cell
e.g. Python Get Cell Value