This i smy xml input :
I want to pass these node[] values one after one. I mean it will insert these values in to my database but first i want to insert only <object[1]> then after successfully inserted again my xslt will insert next <object[2]>
values like that depend on my input.
So here my question is how we can pass the <object[]>
value dynamically in xslt.IF we use for-each at a time all record will pass, some times need to pass particular node set values only.if hardcore like below
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:value-of select="/ns1:process/ns1:Object[1]/ns1:Name"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/ns1:process/ns1:Object[1]/ns1:Age"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/ns1:process/ns1:Object[1]/ns1:Gender"/>
Every time it will insert firsrt <object>
values only. Please help me on this very urgently.
Help me on passing object[ ] value dynamically instead of object[1] or object[2] like that
Thank you in advance.