If I may add my two cents to the discussion about “box model” …
It depends on how you use Draw.
When you use Draw to produce “printable” documents, i.e. documents relevant by themselves (remember Impress and Draw are two facets of the same component), then margins are important. It is not a matter of text flow. It only aims at guaranteeing that everything set in a “page” (or slide if you prefer) will be visible, no matter the output device, screen, printer, whatever.
On the contrary, when Draw is only a scratchpad containing decorations for documents created with other components, such as Writer or Calc, margins do not matter. The Draw document is only a storage medium allowing to design and edit illustrations which are then pasted somewhere else. Such a scratchpad is not intended to be “printed” or sent by itself.
There is a strange coupling between Writer and Draw. Or rather, the controls for the various boundaries are common between the various components but not all components have UI for them.
If you want to see “page margins”:
- open a new text document
>Text Document
- in the text document,
>Text Boundaries
- get rid of the text document
Draw now shows the usable area within the page.
Fedora 41 with KDE Plasma desktop, LO
Doesn’t work here. (Version: (X86_64), Windows 10)
Also, it’s called View>Boundaries (not: View>Text Boundaries)