How to view item count

Hi all,
Is there a way to view a count of the listed entries on a large multi-page file? In the pic here all I see is page, words, etc but would like to have a total showing.
I’m using Libre office
Thanks for any help

What do you mean with entries?

I have files of several pages with hundreds of entries, (lines, items) like:
Cookbook one
Airship chronicles
Cuckoo clocks
Potato peelers
I’d like to see a total count of items, lines if possible

Why don’t you number your items? If they are logically grouped in families or categories, you can use heading numbering (chapter numbering) with hierarchical numbers like 2.5.3 where 2 is the category, 5 a sub-category and 3 the item in the sub-category. This can also be done with an ordinary list if you need chapter numbers for other purposes.

(still unclear what it means formally)

Thank you, got it :+1:

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And paragraphs:

Thanks for your help fellers! I’m a dunce…if I’d looked deeper I would have found what I needed.
Simply “tools” “line spacing” and set it. Walah all done. Sorry for being so stupid and wasting your time.

for the sake of exactitude : “line numbering”

No such thing as a stupid question - Wikipedia :wink:

The best teacher I had back in the stone age always said… “There is no question that is stupid, but many answers that are” I’ll stick with me being dumb on this one…of course line numbering would have helped if I had quoted that.