I want to make a button click create another one

Hello everyone, can anyone help me please, I want to use this excel macro and convert to basic, my first button in sheet named “Ajouter” when I click on it, it will create cells in another sheet called “Historiques” and this button will be deleted from that sheet and will create another button called CommandButton1 which eventually start another macro…any help is appreciated ,thanks

Sub EnregistrerButtonInitial_Click()

Dim sName As String
Dim WorkRngDay As Range

Dim btn As Button
Dim t As Range
Dim Obj As Object
Dim Code As String

i = 1

Set WorkRngDay = Range("G1,C37:F40,C49:F52,C63:I63,C69:I69,C75:G75,C81:G81,C6:H6")

Set ResponsableDay = Range("G1")
sName = Format(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")

If WorksheetExists(sName) Then
    MsgBox "Feuilles déjà Existante !"
ElseIf CellsVides(WorkRngDay) = True Then
    Sheets("Ajouter").Copy after:=ActiveSheet
    ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
    ActiveSheet.Name = sName
    lastrow = Sheets("Historiques").Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add ActiveSheet.Range("K1"), "", "'Historiques'!C" & lastrow, "", "Retour à l'historique"

    Set t = ActiveSheet.Range("M1")
    Set Obj = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", _
           Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=t.Left, Top:=t.Top, Width:=t.Width, Height:=t.Height)
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(1).Object.Caption = "Enreg. Final"
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(1).Object.BackColor = vbActiveTitleBar

    Sheets("Historiques").Range("A" & lastrow) = Format(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")
    Sheets("Historiques").Range("B" & lastrow) = ResponsableDay
    Sheets("Historiques").Hyperlinks.Add Sheets("Historiques").Range("C" & lastrow), "", "'" & sName & "'!A1", "", "feuille: " & sName
    MsgBox "Jour Enregistrement avec succes!"
    MsgBox "Veuiller saisir les champs obligatoires!"
End If

End Sub

Don’t waste time with macros in Excel-VBA. One may run under Option VBAsupport 1 - or it won’t.
If not: either find a solution without macros (Try hard!) or develop your macro independently using the LibreOffice API.

If you decide to do the second thing:
I would dissuade from removing and creating buttons via macros. You can change the properties of the undeleted first button from the running code, among them the label, the assigned macro - and next to everything.

===EDIT1 2019-12-25 about 17:40UTC===
Well, you got me - in a sense. I still think there must be a way to change the assigned action for a Control element. However, I don’t know it, and it may not be easily found.
What I did in some cases (for different reasons) was to primarily call one routine being able to branch to different different secondary routines. The problem to pass the needed parameter values is not a too big one: We may use the .Tag property of any Control object to do it. Unfortunately this property is misnamed in the (English) UI as ‘Additional Information’. From some pieces of code I made earlyer I tinkered this example demonstrating how to do it in principle.
Sorry if I have encouraged you to scale up your hopes too much.
Anybody knowing how to directly change the action assigned to the ‘Events’ properties of a Control object is kindly invited to report.
===End EDIT1===

And never use a mm-dd-yyyy date format. It’s only good for creating misunderstanding and problems if actually used for textual dates. Always use YYYY-MM-DD as specified in ISO 8601 instead.

thank you for your quick response , how can I trigger that the second button click is different from the first one?

You might better remove the “accept” check mark since a very relevant part was misleading in my answer.
Meanwhile I asked the respective question explicitly myself here.

well your answer got me an idea to just make two buttons and hide the first on click then hide the second on the second click and that’s why I accepted your answer and I changed the links and pretty match it worked without building from scratch so … thanx