Immunet detected the infected Libre office virus. What to do ?. What to do ? O antivirus Immunet detecta o libre office como infectado com virus. o Que faço?

The antivirus all of a sudden detected it as a virus, when I’m going to reinstall from the detected virus error message.
Windows 7 home premium

What operating system are you using?

windows 7 home premium

I hope Windows 7 SP1?

(1) But sorry, if I say it so clearly, who works with operating systems that no longer receive support (at least in the private sector) should not be surprised if something goes wrong.

(2) But - I had a look at the website of Immunet and found that a specialization for clouds. I wonder, do you store on a cloud?

(3) But - I would question Immunet’s statement first.

(4) But - do you have another antivirus program that confirms this statement?

My advice to you: Clean up your operating system, i.e. upgrade to Windows 10.
This will remove all other programs, so be sure to make a proper backup.

Reinstall your programs, including LibreOffice.

The alternative: Continue working in a risk system.

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What I do know about ClamAV (on which Immunet is based) is the high number of false positives I used to get. Given its target market, it should know about LibreOffice however.
I would follow @Hrbrgr advice and check with another anti-virus; you should have Defender on your computer, run it past that.
You might want to check the MD5 checksum on the download too. Cheers, Al

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This happened to me also, I checked it with another antivirus and it didn’t get flagged as malware. You can go to a site like virustotal and upload a file to be scanned to see if it has malware. You can also try using a different antivirus program.

It seems that Immunet only detects it as malware if you open the libreoffice app (so it will say writer.exe is infected etc) or if you try to install libreoffice (if you have it set to monitor installs). When I scanned the installer with immunet it didn’t react, which was interesting. Windows Defender doesn’t see an infection.

If you get a false positive with immunenet you can go to their site and fill out their false positive form. I guess if enough people do this they might actually take a look at it and update their database so it doesn’t try to quarantine libreoffice, assuming that this is a false positive.

As others have mentioned windows 7 no longer is receiving support or security updates, so at this point it would be vulnerable to malware exploits. It would be best to update to windows 10 or install linux, if your machine supports it. If you’re not familiar with linux, there is a lot of info and support groups to help figure that out. That’s not really something to be covered here, but you can still use libreoffice on linux!