Install personal files

The man page mentions the “Personal dictionary file” …

Personal dictionaries are simple word lists. Asterisk at the
first character position signs prohibition. A second word separated
by a slash sets the affixation.

How do I install personal files?

Dictionaries belong in the User folder, see LibreOffice user profile - The Document Foundation Wiki

Under Wordbook entry is a link to an OpenOffice tutorial.

A search on this site for dictionary should bring some relevant results for multiple dictionaries, e.g. Cannot add custom dictionary [solved]

Thanks for the links. But my question is “can dictionaries.xcu file copy files to user profile folder?” In other words how do I distribute the files using an extension?

Check any of the dictionaries available at extensions site.

Thanks for the suggestion. Those files typically look like this…

 <node oor:name="ServiceManager">
    <node oor:name="Dictionaries">
        <node oor:name="HunSpellDic_en_IN" oor:op="fuse">
            <prop oor:name="Locations" oor:type="oor:string-list">
                <value>%origin%/dicts/en_IN.aff %origin%/dicts/en_IN.dic</value>

There is no way to dictate where the files should be copied. I want to copy these files to user profile folder.

When the extensions are installed by users (as opposed to admin installation), they indeed end up in user profiles.

OTOH, if you mean that you want to control exactly where in the profile they must be placed, I am afraid it’d be only possible using custom scripts (not extension configuration files).