Is anyone working on a ChatGPT integration?

Actually at the shown level of simple formulas you can use excel-solutions directly.
I guess you could ask at the prompt to convert syntax to LO for references to other sheets.
On the other hand there is now no integration, neither to MS-office not to any other tool. Bing calls Edge at the moment…

OK, so they try to sell us copy&paste as “integration”

  1. Open ChatGPT and your spreadsheet

which is LibreOffice Calc configured to use Excel’s formula syntax

  1. Be very clear with ChatGPT

which is where many users fail anyway regardless of the tools they try to use

  1. Copy and paste the formula to Excel LibreOffice

for perfect 90ies style integration

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Sorry forgot to add the link. Something like this in LO would be helpful

This is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking of. Does anyone know if the LO folk are working on something like this for Writer? Timescale?

Did you read this topic? No.

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Did you read doubleinfinity’s post about what is available for MS Word from GitHub? No.

Does anyone here have much experience/knowledge of Github? Can we request someone to build it from @EarnestAl 's python script?

So much code without any coders.

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if you would read the post carefully, you will see that the code was generated by ChatGpt, and it is “hallucinated” in essential parts!

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Definitely not my script. ChatGPT proposed that script and given the quality of other answers I would not bet money on it working.

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Copy paste 10000 market offers GTP made base data in calc sheet. What is all ready available in google sheets and take 2 min.

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Onlyoffice just announced his own plugin: ONLYOFFICE 7.4 Adds Draw Tools and Plugin Support for ChatGPT - OMG! Ubuntu. Example of use: ChatGPT plugin | ONLYOFFICE

ChatGPT 3.5 turbo only requires the API key, can be used for free outside browsers in apps and doesn’t need any .

  • other plugins are also available for automatic language correction based on deep learning algo. too (DEEPL)

The ChatGPT API looks very simple to use. On the other hand, the management of the API key (which protects your credit card) is not made to be used outside a browser… odd for an API supposed to be used in applications…
Either I didn’t understand everything or something is missing…

excellent points but perhaps neither of us fully comprehend this complexity

Done, see the link: Make ChatGPT requests with Basic


that is clever

Could be made as an extension, simple solution

Another simple implementation, with example video for writer:

a solution with local llm (free and no data go out)

yup - copy&paste to LLM…no need to automate really, as the novelty a ‘personal-but-unreliable-wiki’ soon wears thin.