Is it possible to add comments/additional information for words in a User-defined dictionary *.dic?

Is it possible to add comments/additional information for words in a User-defined dictionary *.dic?

*Also is there any limits on the number of words in a User-defined dictionary *.dic file? - limit is 30000 lines

Something like

lang: <none>
type: positive
Amon //Amon Sul, Amon Hen, Amon Amrûn
Amrûn //Amon Amrûn
Ost //Ost Alagos, Ost Barandor, Ost Belegram, Ost Celebrant, Ost Dúrgonn

Adding the // to the line for the word just makes the word defined as Amon //Amon, not Amon. Meaning if your document has the word Amon in it, it will be seen as misspelled because it is not in the custom dictionary. From what I have tried in the past, the custom dictionary only sees what is on that line and any annotations are considered part of that word.

As for how long a custom dictionary can be, I don’t think there’s a limit but I’ve never tested the theory. I use a different custom dictionary for series or novel. The longest I have is just 125 lines so not very big.

Thanks for answer. Comments сould help a person understand to use, as example, ‘Amon Amrûn’, not separately Amon and/or Amrûn, because as far as I know you can’t add pairs of words to a User-defined dictionary. Plus to add some info about it like - what part of speech is this, name of a place/person, grammatical gender etc.

User-defined dictionary limit is 30000 lines - I got an error that the dictionary is already full

You can edit a user dict, How do I edit .dic files?
but you can’t extend the format of the file. You could place this as feature request at bugzilla, but this will not give a quick solution.

As the formatting is quite simple you could create your own dictionary-format and convert to the official formatting (remove everything starting with //).
Not very useful, for files wich change often, but maybe sufficient for names and place in stories of Tolkien, as there is not much change now.

Thanks for answer. It seems that you can also use CAT-tools (Computer-assisted translation tool) for this that include user’s glossary/terminology management modules with comments. As an example, Anaphraseus is free CAT tool for LibreOffice, but I will be glad if someone will suggest a more convenient solution.