Is it possible to get AutoComplete to work for rows?

I have a spreadsheet that has a row which will only have one of two possible entries. I do not want to have to type in the full entry in every single column. Isn’t there a way to make AutoComplete work on rows instead of, or better yet, in addition to, columns? I see this question was asked 4 years ago but never answered. Right now it appears my only option is to add 2 more rows at the top and put these 2 entries, one into each of them all the way across the entire worksheet, and then hide them. That seems like a kluge to me.

Perhaps Data Validity might be of use to you.

I can’t see what are you doing, so just guessing:

  • Select the entire row, type the entry, and accept with Alt+Enter. BEWARE: if the cells category is Text and the entry is a number, cell category will revert to Number.
  • In B2 you can type =A2, and drag the fill handle right ward.

Can you share where? Thanks.

Edit: only to correct typo error.

Thank you, but I haven’t been able to get that to work with a simple entry of the first letter and it auto-completes based on the valid possibilities from the list. I have to click on the drop-down arrow to open the list and click again on the entry from the list. That’s too many extra clicks.

Naturally I cannot find the entry from 2018 where this same issue was asked. :frowning:

Possibly this post → Is it possible to take calc autocomplete suggestions from the row instead of the column?

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Yes, thank you, that was the post I had seen.