Is Java necessary in Windows 11 to use links and cross reference in LIbreOffice?

I’m having trouble in getting the correct version of Java on my Windows 11 machine. So the first question is the topic above. If Java isn’t required for links or cross references, I don’t need it for now. But just what version does one download and what if the file name of the JRE that one must supply to the advanced option to connect Java and LibreOffice?



You need java mainly for Base. Cross references and links should be OK without it.

If you have 64 bit LibreOffice installed then you need to install 64 bit Java. Generally, LibreOffice will find the correct java without you having to link it in Options

Thanks for your reply. Okay, I have deleted both LibreOffice and the JRE, and then reinstalled the JRE followed by LibreOffice. Does the LibreOfficeWriter > Tools > Advanced tell the truth when it says “Jave runtime environment (JRE) already installed”? If so, this would seem to confirm your statement that no added link is required. However, this appears to conflict with an answer I received on how to tell if Libre is connected to the JRE:
How to check if LibreOffice detected Java Runtime Environment

  1. Open LibreOffice (calc, Impress, etc).
  2. Go to from Menu : Tools → Options → Advanced Under LibreOffice.
  3. Under the Java Options window, you will see it listed if Java is installed. If not, there will not be any entries.

Is there something else in LibreOffice that can confirm the existence of the JRE?

Unless you really need certain parts of the Base component, LibreOffice works perfectly well without any Java.

You don’t need Java except for sometimes in Base (the database program in LibreOffice).

If Java isn’t listed in Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Advanced then you do not have the right version installed for LibreOffice. Windows is simple; if you have 64 bit version of LibreOffice (click Help > About LibreOffice, if it says Version: (x64) then you have 64 bit version) then you need 64 bit Java, If you have 32 bit version of LibreOffice then you need the 32 bit version of Java.

You don’t need to uninstall anything. If you downloaded and installed the 32 version of Java then just download and install the 64 bit version, or vice versa.

See FAQ for more info How to install Java (JRE/JDK) so that LibreOffice could use it?

Answering this explicitly asked question.

When you open the mentioned dialog, what you are expected to see is a list like this:

You likely see an empty list, and seem to think that the title above the list tells you that something is already installed on your system (you word it “Jave runtime environment (JRE) already installed”, while the actual text is “Java runtime environments (JRE) already installed :”, where the plural “s” and the trailing colon are intended to tell you that it is just a title for the following list, and if the following list is empty, then nothing is installed).

Anyway, your original question about the need of Java for specific things was already answered by others (no, you do not need Java for your mentioned tasks); and if you actually see problems, than you have an XY problem here, asking if you need something, or how to tell if it’s present, instead of explaining your original problem, with a sample data, screenshots of what you see, and clear description what you need.

Submitted tdf#152453.

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