Is there a way to change text color so a dark color Persona doesn't hide it?

In trying out different personas in LibreOffice 4 - I’ve discovered that if a persona has dark colors where text is located (for example - File, Edit, Tool, etc.) - since the text is black, it “disappears”.

While I love being able to use personas - Is there a way to change the heading text color so a dark colored persona wouldn’t hide it?

Also - difference subject - I’ve also notice that the Revert button in Personalization doesn’t appear to do anything. It does not revert LibreOffice back to the no persona setting, or revert it back to the previously installed persona.

Hi @Justme1,

qubit throws some karma at you

You should now have enough karma to comment on Answers :slight_smile:

In regards to the color of the menu text disappearing - a bug report already exist - see




It sounds like you have two separate issues here:

  1. You wish to change the text color so that it contrasts with the color of a dark Persona.
  2. The Revert button for Personas is pretty much broken!

(1) sounds like a good candidate for an enhancement, especially as any given persona might have both light and dark parts, and so might need to have different parts of text provide proper contrast (we may need to add a drop-shadow or some kind of outline around the text to ensure proper visibility)

You may file an enhancement bug in our bugtracker. Please provide as much information as possible. The QA team will be happy to help you triage this issue.

(2) is definitely a bug! Please file a bug report in the same bugtracker and provide the description you posted above. The QA team will help you with that one as well.

After filing, please post a link to each of these bugs in a comment below. You may use the format “fdo#123456” for automatic linking!

Thanks for your help here!

In a very similar question, @jiero suggests that “Persona need opacity setting”.

In regards to the revert button problem - here is the link to the newly created bug report - Bug ID 61243. In regards to the menu text color not contrasting with the persona color - a bug report has already been submitted. Bug report: fdo#60542

@Justme1 – Thanks for the bug reports. I’ll mark this Question as ‘Resolved as a bug’. Thanks!

fdo#61243 has been marked as a duplicate of

Bug 58132 - : Button “Revert” in Option Dialogs does not Work as expected

Status: NEW