Is there a way to limit how many suggestions spellcheck makes when right clicking an underlined word in writer?
I thought there weren’t enough words? A better English spell check dictionary.
The more words in a dictionary, the more suggestions you are likely to get
Dictionary is lacking for plain English words but it will offer over 30 suggestions to fix the spelling when it comes to names like “Li”, “Du” etc.
What spellcheck dictionary are you actually using e.g. English (UK), English (USA) etc.?
English GB/UK is the best speller, or at least it has the most words and is updated regularly, usually on the first of the month. But I guess English UK would be a problem for you if you are in the USA.
Yeah, I’m using the US version. Not because I’m from USA but because I prefer their spelling, especially for things like color vs colour.
I didn’t know about the dictionary being better though. I might try it.
You can download the latest version here: English Dictionaries » Extensions
Note that it also contains the latest versions of other English dictionaries too – though those other dictionaries don’t get updated anywhere near as regularly as the English GB/UK dictionary.