Libre Office App Pdf Export and Headless Mode Different Result

I am experiencing an issue i cannot understand and hoping the great minds on this forum can help :slight_smile:

I do a direct to pdf export of my xlsx file within the Libre Office Application and the output pdf has the columns page fitted width as expected. I have an xba macro created that is executed on export and sets the fit to page width settings and mapped to the storing or exporting event.All works fine when exporting within the App.

However, When i try to export in headless mode the Fit To Width Settings have not been applied and columns overflow onto different pages. In the libre Office App i just press the pdf icon in the menu bar when exporting and not doing any other intermediary settings so therefore i expected the following headless mode command would produce the same output but doesnt.
soffice --convert-to pdf D:\Alfresco\sample.xlsx

I have set up integration with Alfresco so i need the headless mode to produce the same output but it doesnt which i think is strange. I am working on windows Server 2016 OS.

The above answer suggests the result should be the same in headless mode but it isnt in my case…

You should report a bug, if export of xlsx is different in headless and GUI mode.

Are there any updates on the issue?

Lately Michael Stahl has fixed some issues that made headless conversion to not complete the document layout before export. I don’t remember the details, but it will definitely be available in 7.4, most likely is backported to 7.3, and maybe even to next 7.2.