Libreoffice calc slicer

Is there any tool in libreoffice calc like excel slicer??

your link is broken…

there is no link…

not now you deleted it…

Forget! By this criterion, the two products are not comparable.
We want the pivot table to be in an acceptable state. There is still work and work.
Now you can work with named ranges instead of absolute references as a data source, which helps a lot…
However, the slicers don’t make much sense.

then, how do i connect to pivot table with same criteria?

yes, i have deleted it…have you any answer now?

What is the Excel slicer? (I not use Excel since decades.)


This office suite comes with a database component.

but i want it in calc for making dashboard…

I think the answer they are giving you is “No”.
Tip of the day, it’s never a good idea to tell people whom you are asking for help that they are wrong.

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Look the other way

This is an integrated office suite.
You can store data in a database, use queries for all set operations and display the resulting row sets in Calc. Calc can generate pivot tables directly from database queries.

If you want one application for everything, simply install Excel.