Libreoffice update to 5.1.4 won't install

Hi I have Libreofice installed on Windows 10. I tried to update bit the install did not finish as the error said a file was open. There was nothing open. I rebooted and tried again. Same thing. Now Libreoffice will not open at all. Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone tell me how to proceed? Thank you

Update will not work if you already had LibreOffice installed and you just tried to install newer version over the old one. You first need to remove old version, download the new one and then install it.

Check if Quickstarter is running (at the right bottom corner where are clock and calendar).

See this question: Update LibreOffice in Windows.

Update will not work if you already had LibreOffice installed and you just tried to install newer version over the old one. You first need to remove old version, download the new one and then install it.

This is absolutely wrong. Update is designed to work when there is an older version present on the system.

Updating as in installing newer version over previous without removing earlier version is not there. Update feature/menu entry in LO is working if older version is present but you can’t install new version without removing the old one (unless going parallel). From what I see, previous version is not removed. When I said ‘update’ I meant installing new over previous, not menu entry labeled Update.

… and you wrote wrong things about updating an existing installation using an installer (MSI). It is designed to install over existing installation, first reading installed components state (and setting corresponding components to be updated), then uninstalling old version internally, then installing new files.

… and you couldn’t say that in the first comment so OP and I can benefit from it, but instead you decided to be cool? My suggestion is based on that (accepted) answer I linked to. From what I read in that answer, update feature may not work. Think that removing older installation first could be solution.

? I seem to not trying to be “cool”. I pointed out that the statement is wrong. I happened to come across the topic while looking for questions relevant to a fix I’m planning, noticed a wrong assertion, and commented. That’s all.