LibreOffice Version of MS Excel Data Table Function

Please can someone suggest some pointers for the following:

I am trying to write a function that is the equivalent of DataTable in Excel. The problem is the function needs to set the value of a cell where the cell has been selected and passed as a parameter to the function and I cannot figure out how to achieve this. The function will also need to fill an array which is again a range of cells passed as a parameter.

The solution could be in python or basic or something else.

I’m using LibreOffice Version (X68_64)

I have not used Excel in the past 22 years, so I have no idea what you are talking about. LibreOffice comes with a database component which interfaces fairly well with spreadsheets. If you want to use an arithmetic calculator as database surrogate, you should stay with Excel.

So not MULTIPLE.OPERATIONS, Applying Multiple Operations ?

Thanks EarnestAI,

I did look at Multiple Operations but rejected it because the UI appeared to expect a formulae to be entered (which is not what it actually wants). However I looked further and discovered it just what I need so thanks. HOWEVER there is a problem, I does not recalculate the model each time a new value is entered. Unfortunately I cannot post a simple example of the issue so I’ll try and describe the setup.

I have four cells in a column representing the parameters of the equation

y = mx + c

I have M = 4, X = 2 and C is the function =RAND(). Therefore the value of Y varies each time the model is recalculated.

Setup a column of values for X, any will do, and then use Multiple Operations to calculate values for Y.
Nothing out of the ordinary at this point. Next change the values for X to the same value. NOW each of the calculated values for Y MUST be different because of the RAND() value for C.

Continuation on Possible Bug in Multiple Operations