LibreOffice Writer Table of Contents two columns page numbers outside margin

I’ve tried adjusting every setting I could find and yet cannot repair this problem. The document styles were imported (over-write) from another doc in which the ToC is just fine. Help!

Thanks, V


This may be of some help → When I create an index in LibreOffice Writer, the resulting index shows the entries but no page numbers. Can you help?

Thanks. I followed that link (and its links) and tried all suggestions at least thrice - including deleting the table and re-creating. No joy. Sigh. -V

I suspect that this problem originated because, although I was working with an ODT document, it was however created from a DOCX original file.

The solution was a brute-force approach:

  • I created a fresh, brand new ODT document, and imported styles from a known good ODT document.
  • I did a “select all” and copy-and-pasted the text of the faulty document en-masse. Some images (I believe the ones that were anchored to page) had to be individually copy-and-pasted. Hm.
    The ToC in the new document was just fine. Hm.

Brutal and ugly, and labor-intensive, but in the end it worked, and took far less time than trying to fix the problem.

Thanks, VJS