I updated the table of contents and it made heading 1 and heading 3 disappear. Now it only shows heading 2 -headlines…
I have the same problem. When I double click on the place where the header should be it appears but after saving it disappear again
Your document might have lost the connection between style and outline level. Goto menu “Tools”, item “Outline Numbering”. You should see “Heading 1”, “Heading 2”, … in the right list in the tab “Numbering”. If there are empty lines, choose that level in the left list and select the to be associated style in the drop-down-list “Paragraph style”.
Or the heading itself has lost its style. Set the cursor into the heading and look whether “Heading 1” is selected in the “Apply style” list field of the formatting toolbar. If not, select it there to assign it to the Heading.
For a better help, you should provide the document for download.
Ohh, thanks a million! There were, infact, empty lines. Now it seems perfect, again.
I had the same problem. The general instructions for Contents are not clearly written in the Help and the book is obsolete on this point.
Thanks that fixed my problem with Heading 2 not appearing in the TOC.
Thanks, my problem was the heading lost style.