Hi all
Sorry for the very long title but I do not found a way to shorten it.
We have a NAS which share some Samba folders in heterogeneous machine’s parc Windows and Linux (Debian and Ubuntu).
From some Linux distros and particularly those with the XFCE4 Desktop Environment with its native files manager thunar application, we have some problems to open LO documents (ods, odt, odg) directly from SMB shared folders which trigger this message box :
“Document file xxx is locked for editing by : Unknown User ; Open document read-only or open a copy of the document for editing”.
As I did not find a way to allow a RW document opening, I developed a bash script which auto-mount all SMB shared folders the user has the access rights. It works very great as the user can modify the documents with the impression to work locally.
Note : for your information, from what I understood, with Debian 11 Bullseye with XFCE4 DE, for modify from the SMB shared folder, the prerequisites packets are gvfs-backends (network access) and gvfs-fuse (ability to open a document from a SMB shared folder)
Recently as I needed to adapt this script to work in multiple users environment and as I had so problem to achieve this, I came back to the origin’s problem and now it seems to me more clear.
I read in a lot of threads that the solution was to disable the LO UseLocking property (like this one) which prevent the lock’s file creation … and this works, but in creating a problem with the concurrent accesses of documents (what happens if someone tries to modify a document that is already being edited ? - like supposed by this thread). I think in this case my approach of automount script is more relevant.
I suppose there a better fitted solution to make the LO document openable directly from share in keeping its security .
What is it ?
With adelphity,