I have 2 list fields 1 is Colour and 2 is Variant. The values for the Colour field come from a table and I have been able to populate it (10 items in the list). However the data source for the Variant field has 200 different values. I want to limit/filter what appears in the Variant list field by the value selected in the Colour field list ie SELECT variant FROM tbl_x WHERE colour = listfield.colour. Hope this makes sense. Please help
@Ratslinger my sincere apologies for not providing enough detail. I’m using MacOS Catalina. I installed LibreOffice and connected it to my SQL Server database. The reason is so that I can use the Forms in LibreOffice Base for viewing and entering data from/into tables. I was trying out the forms for the first time and I added two Combo boxes. Combo Box A is populated by values from the Colour column of the tbl_Colours (10 returned results) - [SELECT DISTINCT “colour” FROM “tbl_Colours”]. For Combo Box B, I want to populate it with values from the Variant column of the tbl_Colours. Unfortunately there are over 200 values in that column as they represent the various shades/tones of the colours in Colour column e.g. RED has 11 variants. What I want to do in Combo Box B, is to populate it with ONLY the variants that correspond to the Colour selected in Combo Box A. For example, if the user selects RED in Combo Box A, then Combo Box B would be populated with only the 11 variants (from tbl_Colours) that have RED in their Colour column. I hope this clearer. My sincere apologies if it’s not. As for macros, I used write quite basic ones in Excel but have no clue as to how to write macros in Base. LibreOffice 6.4