Live link from Calc to Base

First, don’t need steps for this. Have created more of these than I care to remember.

Will make a concession here. Upon initial creation, Calc file changes can be made and seen in Base. You cannot see added records if it is more than what was originally entered (unless Base is opened & closed). You can see if a record was deleted. If deleted an added record can be seen in its’ place.

All this goes away after both files are closed (possibly after all LO is closed). Then reverts to what I have stated before - no Live updates. This is using LO v7.0.1.2 on Ubuntu 20.04.1 Mate.

Also, earlier, re-checked MailMerge. Specifying the Calc file there will create a Base file (for me in Documents folder). Was never asked where to put it. Automatically done for me and named using the Calc file name. Can be seen in Registered Base list.

Your comments don’t exactly match my experience in either case. I can think of several possible reasons for our differences, but it no longer matters; I believe the answer to my question is that this particular behavior has little or no significance or noteworthy use that cannot be better attained by other means.

To be honest, I’m disappointed. I had hoped for something to compete with (and maybe even exceed) the QUERY function in Google Sheets. I had even bigger ideas when I first saw this behavior until I began experiencing its limitations.

Anyway, thanks for taking time to answer. I always appreciate your insights concerning the deeper workings of LibreOffice.

Have a great day.

BTW, I’m giving you the check mark. :slight_smile:

Have finally discovered method to do Mail Merge from Calc without creating a Base file. This was accomplished in Win 10 with LO v7.1.2.2 (rarely use this OS).

This same process does NOT work in Ubuntu 20.x with same LO version (my normal OS). It DOES create a Base file.